

You have successfully installed [JSPWiki|About].

You have some pages set up for you:

!Quick start

* For testing things, try the [SandBox].
* For a quick look on what Wiki is, check out [OneMinuteWiki].
* For a guideline on good working habits with wiki, see [WikiEtiquette].

!Installation issues

* If you run Microsoft Windows, or you are having trouble with UTF-8 then you probably want to take a look
  at [InstallationTips] for further information.


* For all of the Wiki markup features, see [TextFormattingRules].
* Entry point for full [JSPWikiDocumentation|JSPWiki:JSPWikiDocumentation]
** [JSPWiki New Features|JSPWiki:NewIn].


* There are several ways you can get in touch with JSPWiki [Community]. Check them out!
* To see what this particular wiki is about, click on the Wiki name
  on the top left corner of the browser window, or [click here|SystemInfo].

Good luck, and thanks for choosing JSPWiki!